Sunday, January 4, 2009 Community Announcement from Angie Flores

I have just added a weight loss community to the www. WLSShelp. com website. This is my first announcement about the community. You are one of the first I have personally invited; please join my WLSS website family. I am hoping the website will be a tool for patients to help patients. www. WLSShelp. com.

Our goal is to promote healthy lifestyle living, by not only showcasing successful bariatric and weight loss management patients, but by offering you forums, places to talk about the latest obesity studies, information on obesity, childhood obesity, healthy recipes weight loss support issues, and giving you the ability to share your personal story, videos, recipes, tips, blogs, and anything that may help you on your journey to a healthier lifestyle!

Our forums will also help you develop realistic expectations. Weight loss surgery will not immediately resolve existing emotional difficulties, or heal the years of damage caused by a lifetime of being overweight.

Feel free to use our website as a tool to communicate with others in your situation, whether to help or to seek help; we're here for you. Most bariatric surgeons agree: Ongoing support after surgery leads to the greatest level of success. Support group systems give you a great opportunity to discuss personal issues that arise from surgery or from a history of obesity. These support group systems allow you to surround yourself with people who understand and support your goal, which directly increases your chances of long-term success.

By joining our free community you will have access to post topics and responses, communicate privately with others, upload and view content, and access many other special features. Registration is fast, simple and is absolutely free.

Keep your EYE on my website and or my MySpace. WLSS has a new project that I will be starting very soon; it’s a weight loss challenge. Also send me your email address and I will send you the WLSS newsletter, updates, WLSS latest survey and the WLSS events.

Angie Flores